Questions while decimating Profile card component from Fronted Mentor — Lesson learned edition

The live version can be found here, and the repo is on GitHub.
If you are like me and need a refresher of your CSS, here are some useful questions and resources that you can use to update yourself.
BEM methodology
- Block

The block name describes its purpose (“What is it?” — menu
or button
), not its state ("What does it look like?" — red
or big
- Element

The element name is separated from the block name with a double underscore (__
- Modifier

The modifier name is separated from the block or element name by a single underscore (_
The modifier name describes its appearance (“What size?” or “Which theme?” and so on — size_s
or theme_islands
), its state ("How is it different from the others?" — disabled
, focused
, etc.) and its behavior ("How does it behave?" or "How does it respond to the user?" — such as directions_left-top
Difference between images has content vs. images that have a style?
- Images have a style use CSS background properties.
- Images that have content are HTML image tags.
How to handle HTML images?
What is the syntax for Sass variables?
What is the syntax for border property?
Flexbox refresh, please

How to break to a new line with CSS?

How to make text less cramp?
Can be implemented with this property:
letter-spacing: 3px;
How do I handle CSS background?
How to position static background images?
useful properties
- z-index
- position: fix
- background-color
- background-img: url(<path>)
- background-position: <right left top bottom …>
How to do multiple background images?

Key properties:
- background-color
- background-image
- background-position
- background-repeat
If you are like me and need to level up your background-image skills the follow along:
Things to practice:
Check out my notes for this basics project exercise.
Thank you for reading. Leaving a comment with your feedback.