Setup a Sass React App

Royer Adames
4 min readFeb 3, 2021
  1. Install React
  2. Create a new repository in your GitHub
  3. Setup CSS
  4. Run npm start

1. Install React

Lambda comes from the Lambda Calculus and refers to anonymous functions in programming. Source. It’s also the name of my bootcamp, lambda school.

example of installing React
yarn create react-app <name of your repository> --template typescript

Read more about it.

Remove folder

If you made a mistake and wished to delete a folder, you can use the rm command to delete a full directory.

rm -rf <file path>

2. Create a new repository in your GitHub.

Publish repo from VS code

Instruction on how to publish from VS code

On the Source Control tab:

  1. Select Source control Repositories
  2. click on master
  3. publish to GitHub


  1. Select New repository
Choosing to create a new repository in GitHub

2. Insert your project name

Fill out the required fills

3. Copy your repository HTTPS URL

Showing where the HTTPS URL is

Clone repository in your local machine

run on bash:

git clone <past HTTPS url>

if you need to:

  • move to the desired folder. You can run this command:
cd <file directory>
  • To go out of a file, you can do:
cd ../
  • Remove folder
rm -rf dir

3. Setup CSS

Add this code to your index.css file

normalize, border-box-fix, and rem-unit-setup

Then install Sass

yarn add node-sass


  • CSS Reset in index.css
@import-normalize; /* bring in normalize.css styles */

To start using it, add @import-normalize; anywhere in your CSS file(s). You only need to include it once, and duplicate imports are automatically removed. Since you only need to include it once, a good place to add it is index.css or App.css.

Tip: If you see an “Unknown at rule @import-normalize css(unknownAtRules)” warning in VSCode, change the css.lint.unknownAtRules setting to ignore.

Read the official documentation here:

  • box-sizing-fix and easy rem unit to index.js

Setting Rem units to font-size to 10px makes the rem units easier to calculate in px. All you have to do is move the decimal unit 1 time to the left to get from px to rem.

Border-box tells the browser to get the border or padding from the height and width you set, so you don’t have to calculate it.

Read more here.

  • Install Sass

Sass files give you powerful development features that are not available on CSS.


yarn add sass

Sass it’s a production dependency because it’s use when compiling for production

Read more about this NPM package

Successful SASS installation
rename src/App.css to src/App.scss and update src/App.js to import src/App.scss

Now you can rename src/App.css to src/App.scss and update src/App.js to import src/App.scss. This file and any other file will be automatically compiled if imported with the extension .scss or .sass.

4. Start React


yarn start
React app is running fine

Now that the react app is running without issues, we can go to the next step.


Publishing finish website to Vercel without leaving VS code

  1. Install vercal CLI
yarn global add vercel

If first time then give your email and every it.

2. deploy website

vercel --confirm

Need to be on the project to use — confirm

Add your custom icon by editing the public/index.html.

highly of where to find index.html, and what HTML tag to edit

